Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mooring Joys and Woes

I finally got 'legal' with my Seawych and registered her with Jersey Harbours. I pleaded to be allowed to keep my mooring, and was told that I was 38th on the waiting list or around 3 years, so there was no way. So I booked a swinging mooring outside the harbour, of which there are several spare.

So far, I've been down to have a look for the ground works of this mooring but there's nothing there above the sand. Next time I'll have to go down with a spade.

I was concerned about what to do in the winter, as the mooring outside the harbour can only be used between 1st May and the end of Sept.

Then, the weekend just gone, I joined with other SOBOA (St Aubins Boat Owners Assoc.) members to clean up the harbour:

I was there on the Saturday morning and helped move surprising quantities of old chain, rope, matting, wood etc.

Then, out of the blue on the Sunday, I got a call from Harbours saying I was 1st on the waiting list, would I like a mooring?

Possible reasons:

1) The harbour clear-up team checked the harbour for vacant/unused moorings. So many became available that there was enough even for no. 38 on the list.
2) The some angel, human or otherwise, looked favourably on my hard work on Saturday morning and granted my wishes by way of reward.
3) It's a total coincidence, unrelated to the harbour clear-up, and in keeping with the seemingly random nature of allocation of mooring berths. (A friend of mine was told she was first on the waiting list. When she rang a week later, she was 7th)

I'll leave you to ponder that one. I haven't moved my boat to its new berth yet, as there is less water under it and I was told I could keep it where it is until the end of April. All the lines are there ready though. Once the harbour has been dredged later this year there should be less difference between mooring depths.

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